Patient Stories

Craig's Kiwi Skin Story

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MoleMap Team
May 18, 2017

“I con­sid­er myself an indi­vid­ual of the out­doors. I spent my child­hood at Piha with the manda­to­ry bot­tle of coconut oil on hand to get the best tan pos­si­ble. I’ve been active my whole life. I worked out­side on con­struc­tion sites and I’ve also been a sol­dier, a swim­mer, a scu­ba div­er, an Iron­man and a com­pet­i­tive cyclist.

I start­ed to realise that expos­ing myself to the sun was dam­ag­ing my skin back in the 90’s when the Slip Slop Slap cam­paign took off. I decid­ed that a tan was no longer a part of my ​“look” and made sure that I cov­ered up. At the time I was a com­pet­i­tive cyclist and triath­lete, so I used sun­screen and wore sun-appro­pri­ate cloth­ing. It wasn’t enough to stop me get­ting a melanoma. I was advised that I could have as lit­tle as three months to live.

My wife noticed the spot on my back and told me on numer­ous occa­sions to have it checked. I even­tu­al­ly did but the doc­tor said a biop­sy was expen­sive and prob­a­bly not nec­es­sary. She made me go back and have it cut out and, two weeks lat­er, I did. One day lat­er the doc­tor called us in to tell us I had an aggres­sive melanoma that need­ed to be removed prompt­ly. He hoped it hadn’t spread to the lymph nodes. I had surgery that day and to cut a long sto­ry short, I am still here 8 years on. I now have my skin checked annually.

I con­sid­er myself lucky to still be alive and even luck­i­er to have a wife that cares so much. Being sun smart for me is about acknowl­edg­ing the effect that the sun has had over the last four decades and apply­ing this knowl­edge to my life. It’s now sim­ply com­mon sense to wear sun block and it’s also our respon­si­bil­i­ty to edu­cate oth­ers who haven’t been exposed to our cli­mate. I real­ly think that being sun smart should be sec­ond nature to all New Zealanders.”

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