Patient Stories

Fay's Kiwi Skin Story

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MoleMap Team
June 22, 2017

“When I was young I loved lying in the sun. I’d lay there for ages get­ting a tan, either with oth­ers or on my own, even though I had skin that burnt eas­i­ly and wouldn’t real­ly tan that well. I watched my freck­les join up, which was my ver­sion of a tan and with that I felt healthy.

I changed my habits when I learnt that sun expo­sure accu­mu­lat­ed through­out one’s life and that it result­ed in skin dam­age that couldn’t be reversed. I found out that the areas when I was bad­ly burnt as a child would be the parts where future skin dam­age appeared. And they have been.

Being out­doors is huge­ly impor­tant for me as I love being in nature, in the gar­den, at the beach, in the bush and play­ing with the grand­kids. It’s where I come alive. I try to get enough sun so that I absorb Vit­a­min D and then cov­er up with cloth­ing, a hat, sun­glass­es and sun­block. And when the sun is real­ly burn­ing, I keep out of it.

I actu­al­ly think that reg­u­lar check-ups should be part of our health sys­tem. What holds me back is being able to afford what is cur­rent­ly a pri­vate health option. It is real­ly help­ful to have some­one skilled look­ing reg­u­lar­ly at my skin and notic­ing any changes. My Mum, who had the skin more able to han­dle the sun, had a melanoma on her arm removed. This sur­prised us all as we didn’t expect it. It woke the fam­i­ly up to the fact that any of us are sus­cep­ti­ble, even the dark­er skinned, and that it can just qui­et­ly appear. Keep watch of your skin.”

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