Patient Stories

Sally's Kiwi Skin Story

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MoleMap Team
May 10, 2017

“For me, being sun smart is about being an expert on my own skin. I keep an eye out for any changes, and I get my skin checked every year, which I have done for the last decade. I’ve got blonde hair, blue eyes and grew up in the ​’80s, where we fried our­selves to look good, so I know I’m high risk.

My behav­iour in the sun has changed over the years, most­ly because of bet­ter sun smart edu­ca­tion. My fam­i­ly love the out­doors and we often go horse-rid­ing and camp­ing, so we wear hats, t‑shirts with sleeves and sun block. There’s a much bet­ter selec­tion of sun blocks now.

We lost a young col­league a while ago from Melanoma. He’d just start­ed a new café busi­ness so it was awful and tragic…too young. And a fam­i­ly friend is cur­rent­ly being treat­ed for Melanoma. Our fin­gers are crossed for her.”

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