Have you got a mole that you’re worried about?
Whether you were born with it or have only noticed it developing recently, it’s important to know what type of mole it may be and what to do if you are concerned that it might be suspicious.
In this article, we’ll take you through the different types of moles with pictures. This will help to give you a better understanding of what types of moles are normal and what may be worth getting checked.
But first, a disclaimer:
It can be incredibly difficult, even to the trained eye, to spot suspicious or potentially cancerous moles. This is why it’s vital to check in with a professional for a comprehensive mole check like our Full Body MoleMap service— especially if one of your moles has changed. During a professional skin check, specialised tools and imaging cameras are used to look deeper into the skin to assess the types of moles you have and determine whether they’re likely benign or worth investigating further.

Remember, early detection is the best protection against aggressive skin cancers like melanoma, which can sometimes look like harmless moles. Knowing your body and what’s normal is key to preventing skin cancer or detecting it early enough to get treated. Be sure to check your own skin monthly — the Scan Your Skin website has some helpful tips on how to do this using the SCAN method:
· Sore: Any spots that are sore, scaly, itchy or bleeding, and don’t heal within 6 weeks
· Changing: Any changes in size, shape, colour or texture
· Abnormal: Any spots that look or feel different when compared to your other moles
· New: Any spots that have appeared recently, especially if you’re aged over 40
It’s also handy to look for the ABCDE warning signs:
· A: Asymmetry
· B: Border
· C: Colour
· D: Diameter
· E: Elevation
You can also take our quick quiz to assess your personal risk of developing melanoma or another type of skin cancer. It’s free and it only takes a few minutes to complete.