90% of melanomas are curable, if caught and treated early. But here’s the thing, most melanomas (around 80%) are spotted in new moles.
That’s two good reasons why we offer unlimited free spot checks between annual Full Body MoleMap visits at our skin cancer clinic.
Our free skin spot check means that if you notice any changes in your skin or moles between appointments, or you spot a new mole — you can get it checked out quickly.
And, because our Full Body MoleMap includes total body imaging, you have a baseline of images to check new or existing moles against. This makes it easier and faster to spot a suspect mole.
You also get the added reassurance that any moles of concern are checked by a melanographer. (This is a registered nurse who specialises in skin cancer triage).
If our melanographer thinks a spot is suspicious, it’ll be sent to one of our consultant dermatologists for double checking and a diagnosis. No referral necessary. This means you get accurate results without the anxiety of a lengthy wait.