Whenever you visit a MoleMap clinic (or you have a workplace check), you’ll be seen by one of our melanographers.
Whenever you visit a MoleMap clinic (or you have a workplace check), you’ll be seen by one of our melanographers.
You may not have heard the term ‘melanographer’ before you came to MoleMap skin cancer clinics – and there’s a reason for that!
The name was actually coined by us when the business was launched back in 1996. At the time, tele-dermatology was relatively new, and we wanted a word that would reflect the specialised role.
Molemap melanographers are experts in detecting and imaging skin for signs of melanoma and other skin cancer.
During a Full Body MoleMap, Skin Check and Skin Check Plus+, your melanographer will check your entire body.
They use a special piece of equipment (called a dermatoscope) to look deep inside a mole’s structure. Using a camera, they also take images of individual skin lesions, which a dermatologists will look at more closely. They also take photographs to build a ‘map’ of the patient’s skin, to monitor any future changes.
No, that’s a job for medical doctors and dermatologists. The role of a melanographer is to thoroughly inspect the patient’s skin, and collect the images that a dermatologist will look at more closely. The actual diagnosis is done from a biopsy.
Yes. Our melanographers all have a health sector background – such as such as registered nurses and allied health professionals. This means they not only have a good understanding of the scientific aspects of the job, but they’re also skilled at putting patients at ease.
Our education programs for melanographers are bespoke and have been designed to complement the needs of our diagnosing dermatologists over the last 25 years. We are pioneers in this field and have written programs for other professional external courses.
Each new melanographer must undergo an intensive training program and complete the Pathway to Melanography Certificate, and several external training development courses. They work under supervision until they complete their training programs and undergo ongoing audit and assessment programs until they are at a level to progress to the Advanced Practicing Certificate.
Our positions are advertised on Seek in Australia and New Zealand. As MoleMap continues to grow, we’re always looking for passionate and motivated staff (usually registered Nurses or Nurse practitioners) to join us.
Got any other questions? We’ll be happy to answer them. Just email us at marketing@molemap.net.au or call 1800 665 362.