Sun Safety

5 Best UPF 50+ Hats Retailers Online

Double up on your skin protection and melanoma prevention by using UPF 50+ sun protective hats. Check out some of our favourite hat retailers online:
MoleMap Team
September 28, 2022
6 minutes

Besides using sun­screen, using a UPF 50+ sun hat is the next best thing you can do to pro­tect your skin and decrease your melanoma risk. How­ev­er, it’s also impor­tant to select the right kind of sun hat that will pro­vide you the best pro­tec­tion. If that’s what you are look­ing for, then we have you covered.

UPF 50+ sun hat

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Why Should You Use UPF 50+ Hats?

Sun hats are not cre­at­ed equal. The Aus­tralian Radi­a­tion Pro­tec­tion and Nuclear Safe­ty Agency (ARPANSA) has estab­lished a sun pro­tec­tion stan­dard that rates cloth­ing based on its Ultra­vi­o­let Pro­tec­tion Fac­tor (UPF).

The high­er the UPF rat­ing for cloth­ing, the bet­ter sun pro­tec­tion it provides.

For excel­lent pro­tec­tion from the sun, choose sun hats with UPF of 50+, in accor­dance with ARPANSA guide­lines for Aus­tralia and New Zealand. On top of this rat­ing, there are body cov­er­age guide­lines to con­sid­er. For exam­ple, the best sun hats should ​“shade the face, head, ears and neck [to] pro­vide opti­mal pro­tec­tion.” 1

Not sure where to start? We’ve round­ed up five of the best UPF 50+ sun hats online to help you. Of course, there are many more options out there to suit your bud­get — espe­cial­ly with online retail­ers. Just remem­ber to check the UPF rat­ing before you buy. Hap­py shopping!


A well-known retail­er of UV pro­tect­ed out­door cloth­ing, Sol­bari also has an exten­sive col­lec­tion of UPF 50 hats for both men and women. Take a look at some of their most pop­u­lar and high­ly reviewed hats below:

Wom­en’s Wide Brim Sun Hat
Wom­en’s Wide Brim Sun Hat

This item is avail­able in mul­ti­ple colours and sizes. Its brim is also flex­i­ble from inter­nal wire, mak­ing the shape ful­ly customisable.

Men’s Sun Pro­tec­tive Broad Brim Sun Hat
Men’s Sun Pro­tec­tive Broad Brim Sun Hat

This men’s sun hat pro­vides excel­lent cov­er­age for the face, ears and the back of the neck. Plus, it’s made out of nylon so it’s ful­ly resis­tant to water and stains.

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Canopy Bay (by Deb­o­rah Hutton)

A skin can­cer sur­vivor her­self, Deb­o­rah Hut­ton has launched a styl­ish range of UPF50+ max­i­mum sun pro­tec­tion head­wear under her label, Canopy Bay. While these hats may be a lit­tle on the prici­er side, they are ide­al for any­one who wants a true state­ment piece that will match their style and last the test of time. Plus, the hats are proud­ly made in Aus­tralia. Here are a few of our top picks:


This hat is described as a ​“show­stop­per” — and right­ful­ly so! Made from nat­ur­al straw, it is hand­made and man­u­fac­tured in Aus­tralia. Want to get the per­fect fit? Sim­ply use the inter­nal adjus­tor to suit your head size.


This chic Fedo­ra sun hat is made out of nat­ur­al raf­fia braid. Sim­ple and under­stat­ed, it’s the per­fect hat to take you from lazy days at the beach to Sun­day after­noon cock­tails, and every­thing in between.

Can­cer Coun­cil Shop

The Can­cer Coun­cil Shop pro­vides a range of sun pro­tec­tive prod­ucts such as sun­screen, sun glass­es, swimwear, and of course — sun hats. Plus, you can feel good about your pur­chase as all prof­its from sun pro­tec­tion prod­ucts sold in their stores are donat­ed to can­cer research and services.

Bob­bie Raf­fia Cow­boy Hat
Bob­bie Raf­fia Cow­boy Hat

Made from a com­bi­na­tion of both cro­cheted and braid­ed Mada­gas­can raf­fia, this cow­boy hat will bring a cool and casu­al vibe to any out­fit. The brim also has a spe­cial wire so you can choose whether you want a straight or upturned look. It is also adjustable to fit many sizes.

Sele­na Flex­i­braid Cloche
Sele­na Flex­i­braid Cloche

Look­ing for trav­el-friend­ly sun hat? The styl­ish Sele­na hat is made from Flex­i­braid, mean­ing you can eas­i­ly pack it down to fit inside your bag. The hat also fea­tures a scarf trim, giv­ing it a fem­i­nine and fash­ion­able look.

Blue Bungalow

Since its launch in 2021, Blue Bungalow’s mis­sion has been to bring Queensland’s vibrant beach lifestyle to the rest of Aus­tralia and the world. They offer a gor­geous range of cloth­ing on their web­site, includ­ing a col­lec­tion of qual­i­ty head­wear for you to choose from! And even bet­ter, they ship to both Aus­tralia and New Zealand. Check out a few of their most pop­u­lar sun hats:

Ivory Trav­el Round Sun Hat
Ivory Trav­el Round Sun Hat

Go for a look of clas­sic ele­gance with this ivory hat, fea­tur­ing a black band with nat­ur­al stitch­ing. Made from deluxe Flex­i­braid mate­r­i­al, this UPF 50+ sun hat is crush resis­tant and can main­tain its shape after being rolled or crushed.

Edie Black Wide Brim Hat
Edie Black Wide Brim Hat

Total­ly on-trend and per­fect all-year round, this black 100% Aus­tralian wool felt hat is sure to make a state­ment. Plus, you can find your per­fect fit using the adjustable inner band.


Akubra hats are a true Aussie icon. From being proud­ly worn by the armed forces in WWI to adorn­ing the heads of Aus­tralian Olympians to becom­ing a fash­ion piece today, the Akubra hat has a long and rich his­to­ry. Hand­made in Aus­tralia, Akubra hats are cer­tain­ly an invest­ment but they are a time­less clas­sic that you will wear for years to come. Here are a few of our top picks:

Coober Pedy — Sand
Coober Pedy — Sand

Named after the Aus­tralian town known as the ​“opal cap­i­tal of the world”, the Coober Pedy hat fea­tures a Kan­ga­roo Tail band with an authen­tic Aus­tralian Opal Triplet, eye­let vents and satin lin­ing. A classy Aussie style hat that both men and women will love.

Leisure Time — Regency Fawn
Leisure Time — Regency Fawn

If you’d like to rock a regency-era inspired look, this is the hat for you! Choco­late brown with a bond­ed leather band, this uni­sex hat is designed to suit both casu­al and for­mal wear. Plus, it’s even got a feath­er insert in the strap if you’re want­i­ng to add some extra flair.

Visit Skin Cancer Clinics

For unparalleled expertise in sun protection and meticulous skin examinations, consider visiting specialised skin cancer clinics. Your skin's well-being deserves the utmost attention, and these clinics offer comprehensive services tailored to your individual needs, including thorough skin check and mole check to detect any abnormalities early on.

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At MoleMap we check, detect and treat skin cancer. Find out how you can protect your skin at your nearest MoleMap skin cancer clinic.

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