Australia and New Zealand have among the highest rates of melanoma and other skin cancers in the world. And while those with fair or freckled skin are typically more susceptible to sun damage and skin cancer, there’s a dangerous misconception that those with dark skin aren’t at risk.
It’s true that melanoma and other skin cancers are less prevalent in those with darker complexions than in those with lighter complexions. But this does not mean people with dark skin are immune to sun damage. Dark-skinned people can still get sunburned and develop sun spots or skin cancer. And deadly melanomas are still detected among these groups each year.
Unfortunately, there aren’t a lot of local studies on skin cancer rates in dark-skinned or Indigenous people in Australia and New Zealand available at present. However, international research shows that in people of colour, skin cancers are often diagnosed at a more advanced stage. As such, treatment is more difficult, resulting in a higher mortality risk for these groups.
These scary stats are enough to make anyone reach for the nearest tube of sunscreen, right? Read on to learn more about why sunscreen is still extremely important for those with darker complexions and how to choose the best sunscreen for dark skin.